Intra-Externship (2022) is a book that documents an usual professional learning experience.
The original invitation from the Sonoma County Office of Education: “I have three amazing team members who are hungry for a provocative collective professional development experience. They are thinking of an externship experience at an innovative public institution of some sort, with some coaching and support around who they might adapt and incorporate the approaches and practice they observe into their own work.”
The resulting project: In collaboration with Christi, Chris and Nicole, we defined the goals for the experience, researched innovative public agencies throughout Northern California, completed an externship with the City of Sacramento and City of West Sacramento, and documented our process and reflections in this book.
“The way the externship was designed was really powerful because we went in with questions, but we didn’t have preconceived ideas about what we were going to do with that. So it left us open to exploring and discovering what we could possibly learn.”
– Christi Calson, SCOE